The mind of a war criminal such as Criminal Paul Kagame, is always very predictable. You see, Criminals love to be seen everywhere… preaching to people, what they should have done in the first place.

During the recent phoney African leadership forum in Rwanda, criminal Paul Kagame was very animated- preaching to himself, how Africans aught to work together, and stop waiting for outsiders to do things-for them. However, this’s a despot that is not on good terms with his neighbours….In DR Congo, his responsible for the death of 6 million people. In Uganda, he has supervised terrorism on the Ugandan population. In Burundi, he has been carrying out terrorism unabated. In Tanzania, he has publicly boasted… how he can murder its leadership,etc. Now, if a country can’t get along with all its neighbours, then how can it unite, other African countries to come together??

Paul Kagame

Its only criminal Paul Kagame, that worships white people, and also has a gang of imperialists advisers….heroes, and comrades,etc. Don’t forget that,  30% of upmarket businesses in Rwanda, are  owned by White shareholders. His children attend foreign institutions and own expensive houses in US, etc.  Its only Criminal Paul Kagame, that has openly promoted Banyarwanda ancestral land as a company(Rwanda Inc), and not a country.

Criminal Paul Kagame

As if that wasn’t enough, its only Criminal Paul Kagame, that buys for a White Man’s football club, shirts worth 40 million dollars( £30 million). While most hospitals in Rwanda don’t have medicine,etc, Now you can understand why Rwanda never celebrates its independence day, as it makes criminal Paul Kagame look bad, before his white buddies!

The criminal is not even ashamed to preach to Africans- coming together. When Paul Kagame, is responsible for murdering them in millions….No wonder, his pathetic forums are  always poorly attended by serious African current leaders. Really,who would want to associate themselves with a full-time war criminal, that uses power for self-indulgence, and ignoring the populace?? Why would a true Pan Africanist (not the fake ones hiding behind dictators), take serious a criminal regime, that arrests peasants for visiting their City….its true, peasants are not allowed to step in Kigali!

Our Intel has confirmed, that criminal Paul Kagame, is desperate looking for a Man, with a big name, to Marry off,  his giraffe daughter- Ange Kagame.  Because of Criminal Paul Kagame’s jealous and greed instincts. The pomp and opulence, at Afande Karya Sowani’s , aka Amama Mbabazi home(thanks to Uganda tax payer). Has left him disturbed. The source has also confirmed, that Criminal Paul Kagame, intends, to match Afande Karya Sowani’s Opulence.

However, Criminal Paul Kagame might have it tough with Ange, as she’s into Sugar daddies. But we should not forget, that Criminal Paul Kagame buys or steals everything. Its very likely, the criminal might buy a husband for his giraffe daughter.

Joram Jojo


Paul Kagame